Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ini Kandang Kita(PSSI Ver. Nurdin & Hinca) Bung..!!

Within living memory about Mbamba's “worst case” for Arema n Aremania!!! KOMDIS PSSI give “dead penalty” to mbamba... that is to say can't playing in Indonesia Super League and Indonesia League everything during the five year n pay Rp. 50.000.000. What is the mbamba case?? KOMDIS PSSI confirm, “mbamba long since an including in a black list cuz mbamba a loudmouthed to referee”. Endmost...KOMDIS PSSI kick out mbamba from Indonesia...just with motive “a loudmouthed to referee”!!!

Now, Indonesia Super League have HOT News...BUDI S is Persik Kediri player get case cuz batted a PSMS Medan player. The march of events Indonesia Super League deep The Big Match Persik Kediri Vs PSMS Medan in Brawijaya Stadium. What is the conviction to Budi S??? KOMDIS PSSI to give Budi S can't play during the thrice game n pay Rp. 50.000.000,-.

Its a freakish...just review-->

@ Mbamba case= mbamba long since an including in a black list cuz mbamba a loudmouthed to referee.

Mbamba conviction= He can't playing in Indonesia Super League and Indonesia League everything during the FIVE YEAR n pay Rp. 50.000.000.

@Budi S case= Budi S give batted a PSMS Medan player in The march of events Indonesia Super League deep The Big Match Persik Kediri Vs PSMS Medan in Brawijaya Stadium.

Budi S conviction= KOMDIS PSSI to give Budi S can't play during The THRICE GAME n pay Rp. 50.000.000,-.

I just a say---> Don't be an up in the air about this, coz.....

“Ini Kandang Kita(PSSI) Bung................!!!”

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