Saturday, December 22, 2007


( gambar dari sini )

Hari Natal telah tiba...
Yup, hari yang dinanti-nantikan oleh umat kaum kristiani.
Gw, ucapin Met Natal U/ sodara-sodara gw yang merayakannya.
Semoga di Natal taon ini, Kalian selalu di lindungi & di berkati Tuhan

nb: Met Natal U/ --->
Bp Pieter Marbun
Bang Charley
Bozz Hendra
Bozz Jhony

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Haji & Idul Adha

Selamat datang para Bp. Haji & Ibu Haji Indonesia....!!!
Yup, jamaah haji Indonesia sudah mulai kembali ke Tanah air. Mereka Insya Allah menjadi manusia baru. KnpaManusia Baru, aqkira mereka mendapat sesuatu yg baru tentang ke-Imanan & ke-agamaan. Semoga mereka semua menjadi Haji Mabrur sesui yang tertulis di spanduk-spanduk, :).
Besok adalah hari raya Qurban atau biasa disebut Hari Raya Idul Adha. Masyarakat Muslim se-dunia akan melakukan ritual berqurban dgn menyembelih hewan ternak, kalo di Indonesia biasanya kambing atau Lembu(U/ yg mampu). Semoga amal mereka diterima oleh Sang Penguasa Dunia, iya....cuma ALLAH SWT yang berhak disebut Penguasa Dunia bahkan Alam Semesta!!!

Allah Akbar...Allah Akbar...!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Go...!!! Go...!!! Go...!!! Open Source

Pasti dah ga asing lagi dengan ajakan "Open Source". Yup, qt kl ga mau di sebut pembajak OS(Operation System), lebih baek qt pakai yg Open Source. Qt bisa pakai "Linux". Jjr, gw mulai suka nih dgn sgl macam atribut yg berbau Linuk, :).
Gw mo cerita dikit(tp gw ga cerita ttg teknik2 cara install & penggunaannya lho coz udah bnyak yg jelasin) kenal linux dah lama(hihihiiii....dl cm coba install di rumah), tp yg bener2 "Linux" br sekarag. Gw newbie di Linux. Akhir2 ini gw ma Team sdg hoby2nya kencan ama Linux. Linux macamnya banyak bozz...istilahnya jenis Linux itu namanya "Distro". Gw kesemsem bgt ama distro Parsix & PClinuxOS(hi..hi...coz di my company pakai itu...yah mau ga mau hrs kuasai ke dua distro itu). Bermain-main di Linux bnyak asiknya bozz. Qt bs bilang ama Bill Gates..." dah ga pakai pnya gw bebas dr razia eLo!!!". Ada lg yg plg asik qt bs kerja seharian penuh(24 jam...mkin bs lebih, tp tenang bozz....dpt SPL qt, hihihihiii...). Gw pernah ama temen2 Team ga mandi 1 hari & masuk kerja(wuuiiihhhh....bau-nya harum...Hhhmmm...). Pokoknya keren abis bozz kalo kalian bergaul dgn Linux. Ga ada habis ceritanya, rugi deh kl ga coba...
Ok deh bozz, gw mo kencan lg ma gw Off dl yah coz mo download accesoris Linux...

" Go Open Source....!!!"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pencerahan Logo AREMA

AREMA, sebuah kata yang tak asing lagi di telinga kita. Yup, AREMA adalah salah satu klub peserta Liga Indonesia DIVISI UTAMA yg berasal dari Bumi Malang Raya.
Arema mempunyai prestasi yang membanggakan di kancah persepakbolaan Indonesia.
Arema juga mempunyai suporter yang sangat fanatik & atraktif, yaitu AREMANIA.
Kemarin gw surfing, gw sangat salut & bangga ada yang memberikan ide tentang logo AREMA.
Dibawah ini mereka mencoba mendesign logo Ongis NAde yang cukup kreatif & bagus.
Gambar selengkapnya dapat dilihat di sini .

Logo Arema Sekarang

Design Dari Tetangga
Terima kasih buat tetangga

"Salam Satu Jiwa"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Surga...??? Jakarta...???

Yup, Jakarta adalah sebuah daerah yang kebetulan "Kota" dan kebetulan lagi sebagai Ibu Kota Indonesia dan kebetulannya lagi hampir semua segalanya ada di kota ini. Gw pernah baca tentang Jakarta disini.
Salahkah kalo banyak orang yang ingin datang ke kota Jakarta ini U/ mengadu nasib??
Salah atau nggak tergantung bagaimana qt melihatnya. Memang Negara qt adalah Negara Kesatuan tp kenyataannya pembangunan sampai detik ini belum atau sama sekali tidak merata. Wajar dong kl banyak orang yang nekat datang ke Jakarta meskipun belum pasti di kota ini cita-cita mereka terwujud. Banyak iklan masyarakat & himbauan agar jangan datang ke Jakarta!!!
Sampai-sampai ada salah satu lagu yg melukiskan tentang ini, misal qt ambil lagu Rumah Kita. Sekarang masalahnya adalah perut!!! Siapa sih yang tahan dengan masalah ini???
Lepas dari semua masalah yang sudah ada, mungkin kita harus lihat ini semua dari diri sendiri.
Masih kah Jakarta Surga U/ orang-orang yang punya masalah dengan perut????

Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Ied Mubarrak 1428H

Yup...Taqobalallohu Minna Wa minkum( maap kl salah tulis, :) ).

Lebaran tiap tahun ada tp ceritanya pasti berbeda-beda...
Mudik...satu kata yg slalu ditunggu-tunggu kaum muslimin yg ada diperantauan.
Mudik sudah jadi kebiasaan yg(mungkin) wajib di Indonesia. Berkumpul bersama keluarga dikampung untuk bercengkerama tentang kehidupan masing-masing, entah cerita keadaan di kota maupun di kampung sendiri. Trus kapan cerita tentang indahnya Bulan Ramadhan & Hari Idul Fitri??? Hampir tak pernah disentuh...Mungkin terlalu asik bagi2 THR atau terlalu asik mikir baju baru apa yang akan qt pakai!!! Itulah (mungkin) sebenarnya Hikmah Bulan Ramadhan & Idul Fitri bagi masyarakat Indonesia...Whatever lah...tergantung individu itu sendiri.

Happy Ied Mubarrak 1428 H

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bulan Penuh Berkah

Si gw cuma pengen satu...
"Balas Dendam...!!!"

So...pantas berkah U/ si gw...???

Monday, August 27, 2007


yesterday i can't...
today i can...
tommorow i don't know...

you can make beautiful life
but you can destroyed that's

they are just human
like with me but not same!!!

walk...just walk!!!
dont say with your hand
dont look with your mouth
dont take with your horn

you can Dance with you future...
you can paint with you hearth... you can die with smile...

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Winner is...

Just simple...
"Kill or Dead...................!!!"

"Kartini Indonesia" is Hero

just for eat...


So...can u still say it's freedom???

Wednesday, August 15, 2007



Mungkin & Pasti satu kata itu di teriakkan di seluruh Indonesia…

Yup tgl 17 agustus 1945, Indonesia telah MERDEKA…

& sekarang sudah 62th “katanya” Indonesia sudah MERDEKA…

Merdeka sendiri masih mempunyai arti kata yang sangat sangat luas & umum…

Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Merdeka dimaknai sebagai bebas/dari penghambaan, penjajahan dsb; tidak terkena atau lepas dari tuntutan; tidak terikat.

So…anda yakin Indonesia sudah bener MERDEKA…???

Menurut banyak orang Indonesia telah merdeka 62th silam. Boleh Indonesia sudah lama merdeka, tapi banyak orang pula yang “Belum Merdeka”. Aku sendiri tidak tahu pasti kenapa banyak orang yang bilang kita belum merdeka….!?!?!

Banyak orang bilang begini, Banyak orang bilang begitu, Banyak orang bilang begini-begitu…Sebenarnya siapa & berapa sih jumlah penduduk Indonesia…??? Banyak & teramat banyak U/ di sebutkan,, J !!!

Mungkin, Indonesia sudah Merdeka & mungkin juga belum Merdeka…

Tapi yang pasti…Pahlawan Indonesia lah yang paling pantas, layak & bangga berteriak…

Ini Indonesia Bung, MERDEKA…!!!!

Selamat Ulang Tahun Indonesia ku, Semoga Merdeka benar-benar bersama kita bersama…

Nb: U/ Pahlawan2 Bangsa…maapkan Indonesia kalo selama 62th ini belum mengerti arti menghargai & rasa terima kasih…


Yup…pernyataan Bangsa Indonesia pada dunia, bahwa Indonesia telah MERDEKA…!!!

Suatu titik klimaks dari perjuangan Pahlawan-pahlawan Bangsa…

Karena perjuangan merekalah, qt bisa berdiri dengan penuh senyum seperti sekarang…

Karena keikhlasan merekalah, Merah Putih bisa berkibar di Bumi Pertiwi…

Karena Pengorbanan Jiwa & Raga merekalah, qt bisa merasakan bebas dr penjajah…

So…Pahlawan-pahlawan Bangsa tidak butuh sanjungan, pujian maupun kata2 mutiara.

Ataupun SMS yang nentuin sapa Pahlawan Idol…mereka ga butuh itu semua…!!!

Mereka Cuma butuh, hargai perjuangan mereka sesuai keikhlasan kita semua…

...Terima kasih Pahlawan-pahlawan bangsa…

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

" Pertama & New Siti Nurbaya"

Hi guy's...percaya ga dengan pandangan pertama??
dan...Pernah denger kisah "Siti Nurbaya"??
Yup, dua hal yang mungkin sering qt denger.
first, it's about Pandangan Pertama...
Mungkin qt bisa menilai semua hal hanya dengan liat
pertama kali. Qt sudah bisa menyimpulkan "Isi Buku"
hanya dengan baca "Judul Buku". Atau qt bisa menilai
manusia hanya melihat "style" hanya sekali,it's true???
Yah...itu tergantung individu itu sendiri.
Ada sekelompok manusia yang masih menganut hal diatas.
Sekelompok manusia itu langsung me-judge suatu hal
dgn melihat sekali & hanya butuh beberapa menit(Wow, analisanya tajam bgt)!!!
Trus Hasilnya...??? Yang pasti, menurut sekelompok manusia
itu hasil analisa mereka 100% benar!!!

Second, nah ini tentang "Siti Nurbaya" euy....
Kisah ini pernah Booming di TV Pemerintah qt,
yup TVRI(Menjalin Persatuan & Kesatuan, hehehe..).
Ini kisah ttg drama percintaan. Gw percaya, temen2 pasti
dah tau semua...
Believe or not, di taon 2007 ini masih ada Sekelompok
Manusia yang juga menganut paham ini!!! Maksud gw, Jodoh
di tangan Ortu(Hansip ga berlaku di sini, heheheh...)!!!
Ada sekelompok manusia yang dimana mereka dianugerahi Tuhan
dengan 9 anak(hehehe, Prog. Pemerintah ga berlaku deh...).
Sekelompok Manusia ini mungkin "agak" kaya & terpandang "dikampungnya".
Ini yg paleng exstream...6 anak dr 9, dijodohin bro!!!
Nah, kl ini mereka menganut Prog. Pemerintah, "Laki2 & Perempuan"
sama saja. Maksudnya??? Ga laki2 ga perempuan, semua dijodohin!!!
Padahal, anak2 itu jg punya basic pendidikan yg tinggi(rata2 S1).
Katanya sih mereka pernah berontak, tp ujung2nya yah terima, :).
Nah, U/ keturunan sekelompok manusia ini yg belum waktunya U/
menikah, mereka sudah siap2 carikan pasangan(haaa...).

Dan ada juga sekelompok manusia yang bener2 pegang teguh 2 teori diatas!!!

Ini yang bisa gw liat dr masalah diatas...
- Sebagai anak memang harus menurut ke Ortu.
- Sapa tau hasil jodohnya cakep & tajir(hehehe...).

- Kesan otoriter kelihatan di kehidupan sekelompok manusia itu.
- Tidak kelihatan pendidikan demokrasi.
- Mungkin kl tidak co2k dikemudian hari bs timbulkan perceraian.

So...gmn menurut temen2 ttg teori yg dianut sekelompok manusia diatas??

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Kemarin gw jalan ke Bandung. Disana gw sempet cobain alat transportasi versi Pemerintah, :). Gw smpet mikir, bertanya-tanya,heran...pokonya campur aduk deh!!!
Gw ga tau, apa gw yg kurang pintar or tambah bodoh....
Coba liat pic di bawah ini(gw ga mau sebut itu apa...). gw tandai itu yg jadi masalah...
(Disamping tulisan "PERUM DAMRI(di tengah logo)" itu tidak ada garis2 yang bisa dipotong. )

So...gmn menurut teman2...???

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Being Lost

Pernah manusia ini merasakan titik jenuh...
Kmarin begini lagi...
Hari ini begini lagi...
Bsok begini lagi...
Lusa begini lagi...
minggu depan, bulan depan or taon depan "mungkin" begini lagi...

Do you know about life??? sesuatu yang mungkin tak kasat mata...
Setiap manusia ini tanya diri sendiri "about life",
yang muncul adalah pelawak penghibur hati...
slalu m'dongeng tentang kemenangan milik manusia ini...

Setiap manusia ini tanya ke manusia lain "tentang hidup",
manusia lain slalu m'jawab dgn intonasi seorang penyair...
mungkin t'lalu berat U/ di tafsir oleh manusia ini sbg seorang "buruh"...

Manusia ini coba menghayal,
Manusia ini coba menangis,
Manusia ini coba melawan,
Manusia ini coba jadi pemenang,
& Manusia ini coba...coba...& coba truzz...

"SUMPAH...manusia ini akan "Singgah" di kemunafikan kalian...

"Tidak ada yang hentikan manusia ini kecuali manusia ini sendiri"

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today...i saw post article about "Tarot" at RMY's Note
I interest for post about that. So...I want posting again at my blog

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Do you wish to try?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Home Work

Wuiihh...k'bagian jg gw dr D'lunna. Oyi dah, gw jawab...

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4
Panduan Microsoft Visual Basic, Listing "login User" dalam jaringan. hihihi, buku ini barusan gw pakai U/ alas Hardisk.
Stretch your left arm out as far as you can
What is the last thing you watched on TV?
barusan iklan, hihihih...
Without looking, guess what time it is:
jam 6.45, hiihih ini pasti bner coz bel 1 barusan bunyi...
Now look at the clock. What is the actual time
Benerkan...bel office qt ga pernah telat..6.45
With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
suara "dering pico", coz hari ini bnyak yg complen...
When did you last step outside? What were you doing?

minggu. Maen ke rumah ce gw, :p
Before you started this survey, what did you look at?

Kantin depan office dah buka blm??laper gw, hihihi...
What are you wearing?

Kemeja ama celana panjang hitam
Did you dream last night?

When did you last laugh?

kalo hari ini ga' coz sibuk bgt...palenk kmarin
What are on the walls you are in?

kl di ruangan kerja gw sih,,, Server, CPU gw & CPU bozz gw
Seen anything weird lately?

karyawan pabrik(operator), gila...mlai baju, bandana, anting & gincu...1 warna guy's
What do you think of this quiz?

What is the last film you saw?

hihihi..."film kembar", rame2 ma tmen...
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

ga ada, itu kan cuma "jika", kl beneran..."ninja RR(abis nunggu $ ga dpt2),hihihi...
Tell me something about you that I don't know :

Aq ga suka ama DURIAN....
If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

Aq cuma pgen satu..."Makan di kantin depan gratis...(abis pelit bgt & mahal)!!!,hihihi...
Do you like to dance?

Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

Selic...keren nGa'?
Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

Would you ever consider living abroad?

Ngga sama s'X....
What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?

"Ini lah dunia kamu,,,kamu tinggal bilang apa pasti ada di depan mu!!"

"Wuuiihh...selesai juga akhirnya..."

Friday, July 6, 2007

About Life

"The more you plan, the less likely you will experience chance, therefore live life to the fullest"
"Life is reality without an eraser!"
"Don’t cry over what has happened in the past, but be happy that you could enjoy the moment."
"Always remember the words from a true friend: I’ll be there for you”
"If you want the champion in the game...playing with smile"
"We don't have a gun...but we can the king in my soul!!!"
"You can...I also!!!"

Balas Dendam

posting gw ini pgen denger pendapat temen2 muanya.
Gw, bisa dibilang orang pendendam(repot nih jadiny... :)).
ambil ilustrasi & my family pernah dibikn malu ma
keluarga lain. Sakit, marah, pokonya dlm klarga qt baru kali ini...
Btw, pernah denger ga..."kalo pipi kiri qt ditampar, maka tamparlah pipi kanan dia!!!"
So...salahkah kl gw "tampar pipi kanan" mereka??? Tau dong, pasti lebih sakit ditampar
pipi kanan dr pd pipi kiri...
nah, menurut temen2 gmn??? apakah aq harus tampar mereka or biarkan saja(kluarga dihina guy's!!!)????

Lebih baik "Balas Dendam" atau "Tidak"???
Free polls from

Saturday, June 30, 2007


everybody knows that we can't live foreve
life there is still will come....that is everlasting life
world is not anything...
laugh and win in the world...
dignity and money in the world...
non guarantee....!!!
Not fair play...
insincere tactics...
non guarantee....!!!
sweetly lying...
fiddling around with forgiveness word....
once again...non guarantee...!!!
only one beverage saving us...
...good charitable...

note: God not blind, god not deaf, god not sleep

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Destiny

Everybody have destiny. Every body its unegual destiny and there no a even also knowing its destiny. First there is indonesia singer bounce song with idyl one of the its lyric, "Takdir memang kejam ( destiny is Cruel )". Is cruel Destiny correctness? We take example, all that is planned by human being although that good intention not yet of course succeeded and on the contrary sometime which is bad intention succeed. Maybe this made by the reason of Indonesia singer bounce idyl, "Takdir Memang kejam (Destiny its cruel)". Destiny someone have arranged...God. According to this best us but not yet of course in God Eye. So...destiny is not cruel, destiny there is because God and God know what best for its slave.
Do destiny can be altered?? Only Power of God...

Friday, June 22, 2007

God Are Fair The Most

If you don’t wish to be tweaked, don't tweak. If you is slaped by left cheek, slap right cheek of him. God is true there and I trust that. Sometime I understand but sometime I enquire, why unrighteous to yesterday win? Are they unrighteous but according to God? To this moment I don’t know who real correct or wrong. Do the God have a purpose certain for me, I don’t know. But I believe…god is not blind and not deaf!!! Remember, fail not permanently and victory we can grab.

Monday, June 18, 2007


AREMA juara bertahan (Copa 2005 & 2006) akhirnya takluk di tangan PERSEKAPAS. Di pertandingan ke-2 (Stadion Gajayana Malang) Arema hanya bermain seri 0-0. langkah AREMA terhenti karena pada pertemuan pertama di kandang PERSEKAPAS, AREMA takluk 0-1. Target Hatrick untuk menjuarai Copa Indonesia pupus sudah. AREMA, AREMANIA & Bumi Malang Raya berduka...

Selengkapnya : ClickHere

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Il protagonista

Il protagonista its meaning especial actor. Everybody or all the things can be il protagonista in word. This some one who become il protagonista according to its membership

Roberto "Robby" Baggio is Foot Ball il protagonista

Roberto Baggio was born February 18, 1967, in the small town of Caldogno, north of Vicenza, Italy. One of eight children borne to Fiorindo, a storeowner, and Matilde a housewife, Roberto had plenty of freedom as a child. His childhood days were spent riding motorcycles and playing soccer, rather than studying. Baggio is one of the italy football legend. Baggio recognized with the title " The Divine Ponytail" because pigtail hair and Baggio adherence run Budha religion, Baggio represent best player of world after accompanying Juventus reach for Cup UEFA year 1992. He grab two Break even scudetto title of A with Juventus year 1995 and AC Milan in next year.

Baggio’s carrer :
Year Club Division Games Goals
1999/2000 INTER F.C A
1998/1999 INTER F.C A 23 5
1997/1998 BOLOGNA FC A 26 22
1996/1997 AC MILAN A 23 5
1995/1996 AC MILAN A 28 7
1994/1995 JUVENTUS A 17 8
1993/1994 JUVENTUS FC A 32 17
1992/1993 JUVENTUS FC A 27 21
1991/1992 JUVENTUS FC A 32 18
1990/1991 JUVENTUS FC A 33 14
1989/1990 FIORENTINA A 32 17
1988/1989 FIORENTINA A 30 15
1987/1988 FIORENTINA A 27 6
1986/1987 FIORENTINA A 5 1
1985/1986 FIORENTINA A 0 0
1984/1985 VICENZA C1 29 12
1983/1984 VICENZA C1 6 1
1982/1983 VICENZA C1 1 0

Kurt Cobain, History of Grunge

Kurt Donald Cobain was born the 20th of February in Aberdeen, with an Irish mother and a German father. His mother worked as a cocktail waitress, but when Kurt was born, she decided to stay home with him and his older sister Kim. Their father, Donald, worked as an auto mechanic, but the family was never poor. Their house was in the trashiest neighbourhood, but it was the nicest of all the houses in that area. His father spent all his spare time and money on making the house as respectable as possible.
When Kurt was 14 his uncle gave him his first guitar. His music idols at that time were Aerosmith, Led Zepplin and Black Sabbath, but he also listened to Sexpistols and the Clash. He taught him self how to play a guitar and became very good at it. Already at this time Kurt wanted to start a band, but he didn’t know any other boys that liked the same kind of music as he did.
In 1986 Kurt still didn’t have a proper job, but this was about to change, because now he met a guy named Krist Novaselic, who played bass guitar. They started playing together, Kurt on guitar and Krist on the bass, but they quickly realised they needed a drummer. They put up posters asking for a drummer that wanted to start a band. After a few attempts they met Dave Grohl, who became they drummer. The band was named Nirvana, after the paradise in the Buddhism. They released their first single in 1988 and the year after their first album came out. It was called bleach and it didn’t cost more than 600$ to produce. This wasn’t a big success, but at least they got some profit. The following year they released a lot of singles, but none of them were a success and Nirvana were longing to get their breakthrough.
In 1991 they got a contract with Geffen records and started to produce their first album, which was called “Nevermind”. “Nevermind” became the breakthrough Nirvana had been looking for. They were interviewed on Saturday Live Show and their top single for the album, “smells like teen spirit”, was the most popular single in UK for three weeks.
Kurt had never thought they would be so popular and he didn’t handle the success very well. When Nirvana preformed live he used to stop the audience from coming and he told them not to buy their records. One of the reasons he did this was that he thought most of the fans were false fans that only like the band because of “smells like teen spirit”. Another reason was that at the moment Kurt was taking heavy drugs, such as morphine and heroine.
The other members of Nirvana hoped that with a wife and a daughter Kurt would calm down. He actually did, for a short while. This period Nirvana recorded their third album, “Insecticide.” In the beginning of 1993 they recorded their last studio album, “Utero”. This album only took two weeks to produce and it was a big success.
After a long hospital stay in March 1994 he disappeared. He was reported missing by his wife and she also hired a private investigator to find him. Though the changes were small, she still hoped to find him alive, but the 8th of April 1994 Kurt Cobain was found dead in his own house. He had shoot him self in the head three days earlier. Beside him lay a suicide letter, saying the reason he committed suicide was that he hated him self so much, that he couldn’t live with it. In the letter he said this about him self: “There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that is makes me feel too fucking sad”. Kurt was never able to enjoy life, because he always thought of all the sad things that happened in the world. Even when he was on stage he had this depressive thoughts. He tried to make the audience feel like he was having a great time, while he really felt horrible and when the concert was over, he felt like he had been lying to them. This is how he expressed it in his suicide letter: ”For example when we’re backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins, it doesn’t affect me the way in which it did for Freddy Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can’t fool you, any of you. It simply isn’t fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I’m having 100 % fun.” Kurt felt that his musical career was coming to an end, because he didn’t have the same passion for the music that he had had in the earlier days. He also felt that he owned his fans an explanation and in his letter he says it like this: “I’m too much of an erratic, moody, baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than fade away.” Kurt loved his daughter very much, but she reminded him so much of how he was before he became so depressive and he would hate to se her end up like him: ”I can’t stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I’ve become.” Kurt ended the letter telling his wife and daughter how much he loved them Peace, Love, Empathy Kurt Cobain Frances and Courtney, I’ll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney, for Frances. For her life, which will be so much happier without me. In the memorial three days later Courtney said that Kurt has never expected to reach the age of 30. Unfortunately he was right. He became a rock legend like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison, they all became 27. Short wile after Kurt’s death the album ”Unplugged in New York”, a recording of Nirvana playing their most popular songs live in NY, was released. Though this became Nirvanas most selling record ever, Krist and Dave never considered getting a new vocalist and move on with the band. They said Nirvana would never be the same without Kurt and referred to Kurt’s suicide letter: it’s better to burn out than fade away.”
List of sources : ClickHere

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We are The Champion

Copa 2005 & 2006

(Copa 2005)

(Copa 2006)


Arema FC adalah salah satu klub sepak bola besar dari kota Malang (Indonesia). Klub sepak bola yang berlogo kepala singa ini mempunyai julukan "Singo Edan". Klub ini punya prestasi yang bagus yaitu, menjuarai Copa Indonesia berturut - turut 2005 & 2006. Arema mempunyai ciri khas permainan Kick & Rush. Seperti klub sepak bola lain, Arema punya supoter yang sangat setia dan atraktif, yaitu AREMANIA. Komunitas suporter ini adalah Suporter Terbaik Indonesia (wow...keren bozz!!!).
So....bisakah Sepak Bola & Suporter Indonesia Berbicara Indah di Dunia ??? kita tunggu...

Gambar lebih lengkap bisa ambil disini

Monday, June 4, 2007


Source : User's Manual Mainboard Biostar

Will be other?? ClickHere

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Plane Vs Hp

Indonesia people it's true high class, Its Costly Handphone, Transportation wear plane but !! There is which don't know why prohibited to activate hp in plane, there is which soybean cake but remain to don't care. Indonesia people have to always learn by hard.
Make which not yet known, why may not fire Handphone in plane, following its clarification:
Simply for just information, possible all of you all have heard news concerning accident new plane " take-off " from Lanud Polonia-medan. Till now the occurence cause not yet been known categorically.
Possible simply just sharing make all of us which owning and using hp or any of its term. In the reality according to source of information got from ASRS ( Aviation Safety Reporting System) that hp have big kontributor to safety of air transport. Have many case accident of plane that happened because hp. Possible information hereunder can be useful for the all of us of, especially which often use plane.

its Case
of example :
Plane Crossair with LX498 flight number just " take-off" from Zurich airport, Swiss. Just later plane swoop to fall. Its ten Passenger defeated. Investigator find evidence is existence of ponsel sinyal trouble to system drive plane.

A Slovenia plane Irrigate in air transport go to Sarajevo do crash landing because alarm system in aviator cockpit continue sound. In the reality, a ponsel in baggage suitcase forget to be off and cause trouble to navigasi system.

Boeing 747 Qantas sudden heel to one side and go up again as high as 700 feet exactly when is
" approach final" for the " landing of" in Heathrow airport, London. Its Cause is because three passenger not yet killed computer, Player CD, and game electronic each ( The Australian, 23-9-1998 ).

Following representing ganguan form that happened in plane:
Direction fly HSI melenceng, Indicator ( Horizontal Situation Indicator) annoyed, Trouble
VOR cause ( VHF Omnidirectional Receiver) inaudible, System navigasi trouble, Frequency communications trouble, Indicator fuel trouble, automatic System drive trouble.
All trouble above resulted from by ponsel. While other trouble like Trouble instruct computer compass resulted from by CD & Trouble CDI indicator game ( Course Deviation Indicator) resulted from by gameboy. All information above is to stem from ASRS.

seen trouble list above we can see that not only when plane is flying, but when plane in motion base even also happened big enough trouble effect of usage ponsel.

In order to be known, ponsel do not only sending and accepting radiowave but also make electric power radiasi to reach BTS ( Base Transceiver Station). A ponsel can reach BTS which aparting 35 kilometre. Its meaning, at height 30.000 foot/feet, a ponsel can reach hundreds of BTS residing in under nya. ( In just Jakarta estimated by there is around 600 BTS all earn is at the same time reached by a active ponsel is plane which in motion above Jakarta).

Everybody soybean cake we own ponsel. our Everybody soybean cake is rushing about. Our Everybody soybean cake of key man. But, for the shake of safety with, and for the shake of manner esteem humanity, don't activate ponsel during in plane.
Hopefully one day people we can a few/little more is bright.

How now all of you all, remain to wish to enjoy journey comfortably or
fear because remain to activate ponsel ?



I have psikotest about feeling of heart.
Today I will shar all of you but all of you have to follow its rule of the game.
Prepare paper & pen
Attention , when chosening name, you have to chosening one who recognize.
write what is in your head.
Remember to read question have to massage and its answer direct vision don't before
finishing all its question.
LET's BegiN... : Good Luck Guy's...
  1. First write number 1 until 11 in your paper vertically ( to the downwards )
  2. Writing most number of you like ( between 1-11 ) side No.1 and 2.
  3. Write 2 name of people ( oposite gender ) what you recognize, for first choice put down in No.3 and No.7 for second choice.
  4. Write 3 name one who you recognize in No.4, 5 and 6. Here you may write the name of people in family, friend or whoever, O.K!! Only, people which you have to recognize!!
  5. In no.8, 9, 10 and 11 you write the name of different song title.
  6. Last, write you have application.
hereunder there is answer from psikotest, I hope compatiblely of its answer!!!

  1. You have to inform to one who you write in No. 7 about this psikotest .
  2. One who you write in No.3 is one who you love.
  3. One who you write in No.7 is one who you like, but cracking side hand.
  4. One who you write in No.4 is one who you feel most the necessary for you.
  5. One who you write in No.5 is one who most understanding about you.
  6. One who you write in No.6 is one who bring luck at you.
  7. Song which you write in no.8 is song addressed for the people of No.3.
  8. Song which you write in no.9 is song addressed for the people of No.7.
  9. Song which you write in no.10 is song defining what is in your heart.
  10. Last, song which you write in No.11 is song defining your life.
So...How??? Do as according to what feeling??
Invite friend all of you for the surving & to trying this test in my blog

Will be other?? ClickHere

Friday, May 25, 2007

Alexa Redirect Train by Carl Ocab

Would You Want to Join This Train? I believe this train improved our AlexaTrain.

~Start Copying Here~
Alexa Redirect Train by Carl Ocab


1. Put anything you like above this list – Chit Chat, talkies, introduce what this is. Something like that ;-)

2. Start copying on the “~Start Copying Here~” and copy all the things listed without removing the links (Of course, the train would be no use without those links)

3. Move all the sites labeled “Newbies” to the list labeled “Oldies”

4. Add 5 sites that you want to include in the train and make their link like this: then invite them to join the train.

5. Visit all the listed sites! (That’s not much work! Remember, if you plant good seeds they will also grow good) and look at your high Alexa ranking next week!



~End Copying Here~




Dehydration to represent term used to designate situation lacking of body dilution. That situation is resulted from by the loss of abundant body dilution.Dehydration to be referred as also with anhidrasi, deaquasi, or hipohidrasi. Lacking of body dilution earn happened at muntaber patient, high fever, and others. Expenditure of that Dilution is usually accompanied with loss of mineral and salt at body. How many that body dilution decrease till can be referred as to dehydration? Body human being weight consist of about 60% dilution. Every day, around 1,7L dilution [released to through urine and around 100 mililiter released to pass intestine. Expenditure of other Dilution counted one litre happened to through respiration and sweat. Losing of that dilution will be replaced by got dilution from food and beverage consumption of three of litre one day. At very hot weather, one would more requiring to drink as compensation to dilution which also the more exit from body pass evaporation. If secretory dilution more than which enter, hence dehydrationing even also happened. Symptom dehydration immeasurablely. At dehydrationing marked light felt starve for very so that stimulate its patient to continue to drink. If that insatiable amount of water required, dehydration which is suffered its will progressively weight. If have happened to dehydration heavy, eye become concave. Besides, husk become do not be elastic so that if pinched, Its secondhand do not quickly return to form initialy. This symptom earn is easily seen by at stomach husk. In a condition dehydration insurmountable weight and do not repair, awareness of patient will be downhill, happened of shock able to cause death. In consequence, in case dehydration to need good handling. More than anything else at baby patient case and children, need attention extra. Its problem, they very rentan to dehydrationing. Dehydration light can overcome by ownself with drinking as much as possible until patient do not feel thirsty again. Better, given dilution in the form of electrolyte salt condensation like oralit. If oralit nothing, can change with sugar condensation - made salt by ownself. Way of its making is by dissolving one sugar teaspoon and one salt teaspoon into 200 matured water cc. If dehydrationing do not goodness, patient require to give by dilution through infus.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

" System Error"

"Request Timed Out"

" Aku pernah pacaran Long Distance, biasalah...pakai router!!"
Karena Tuan ISP di Negara Gue cuma ada fasilitas Akang DinAccess, yah mau ga mau kita pakai jasa itu(punya pemerintah sih, so agak murah kallee...). Tau ga, ternyata Akang DinAccess tuh alergi ama gejala alam...kalo hujan dikit, qt sering miss comunication dgn cewek gue...kalo dah gini, qt pasti lapor deh ke Tuan ISP. Seperti biasa qt suruh reset modem dua sisi, satu di gw satunya modem di cewek gw. Kalo Network qt ga Up...Tuan ISP pasti kasih qt tiket & suruh tunggu(kadang cepet..kadang bolot..!!!). Biasanya, Tuan ISP kabari qt lagi, katanya di server mereka fine2 aja...(Nah lo...yg salah sapa?@#?@#?*@). Demi cinta qt, gw ga terima...!!! Tapi qt cukup tenang coz Tuan ISP qt baek juga koq, mereka berusaha lagi cari trouble nya di mana. Memang kalo jodoh ga kemana-mana(ke KUA kallleee...hehehe), Network qt Up guy's...ternyata dan ternyata...Network qt Up setelah Tuan ISP reset punya modem dia dengan pihak ke tiga....Heheheh, gw ma ce gw langsung connect...dengan tanda " repply from bytes=x time

"Bad SeCtoR"

"Cinta gw ma elo kec 72oorpm, besar Hard disk gw pun lumayan gede 120Gb. Karena gw jauh & sayang elo, harddisk gue partisi jadi 4 Drive & muanya pakai NTFS coz kl pakai itu qt lebih mudah & secure U/ saling share...Gw jg pakai Anti Virus & Firewall...U/ lebih secure, tiap 1 minggu s'X gw Up Date biar, spam, Virus, worm, dkk ga bisa jebol. Tapi se-Perfect apapun pasti ada port-port yang terbuka manis U/ jalan rusak System cinta qt!!! Pertama Kang Mas Viruz masuk...sialnya lagi Anti Virus qt lagi mudik!!! Terpaksa gue Format Abis Hard disk gw...U/ sementara aman. Beberapa hari kemudian, ada counter attack dr keluarga Spam...Kali ini agak tenang coz Mb Yu Anti Viruz qt dah balik lagi dr kampungnya,:). 1 bulan, 2 bulan hard disk qt aman U/ save data kemesraan qt. Serangan datang lagiiii...ini bukan dr keluarga Viruz, worm atau pun spam....tapi dari Kakek Buyut LISTRIK!!! Hard disk gw mulai error, blue screen....lagi enak2nya save ...tiba2 HaNg..!!! gw capek, akhirnya scandisk ...SIAL...ada BAD SECTOR guy's......Gue pakai Partition Magic...NIHIL!!! pakai GHOST tambah jadi Uka-uka...Pusing!!!! Akhirnya gw pakai jasa Mbah Dukun Disk Manager...qt zerrofill trus langsung minta bantuan Pak Dhe Low Format...Mantab, Bad sector di hard disk gue hilang. Tapi nasib berkata laen, ga lama kemudian tuh Bad Sector nongol lagi...biasa Kakek Buyut Listrik qt lagi BT. Gw pakai jasa Mbah Dukun Disk Manager lagi...kali ini sayang teramat sayang hard disk gue hancur...hancur...Terpaksa gue pakai Obat alternatif peninggalan Kakek nya kakek nya lagi kakek buyut gw...U/ sementara(2 hari) hard disk gw masukin ke Lemari es dengan di kafani kantong plastik. WoooooooWWW....Congratulation, hard disk gw normal lagi...
Guy's,mngkin ce gue bukan jodoh kallee...dia serang Hard disk gue lagi...&..&...&...
Hard disk gw sekarang bener2 " Bad Sector Fisik"...Sial!!!"

" Yah begitulah cinta...Penderitaannya tiada Akhirrrr...."

(Jomblo lagi...jomblo lagi...cari yg Trial ah biar aman, hehehehe)


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's My I have something about small frog....

Story about small frog

At one particular day, there is a group of small frog...which is racing !!!
Its targe
t is to reach top a very high tower. Frogs other become audience and gather with encircling tower to witness race and breathe life into to all participant.
Race is Even Also Started....!!!
Squarely : Not one even also audience believe that frogs small will be able to succeed to reach spire.
Is heard by there is saying : " Oh, the way too hard!!!" ..they CAN NOT to top !!! "
" No chance to succeed... Tower of it too high.....!!!! "
Small frog start fallout . One by one...
... Except them which keep spirits up to take a ride tower ..... excelsior ... and excelsior
Audience continue to have cheer..... " Too hard!!! Nothing a even also to succeed....
More amount of tired small frog and surender
..... but there is ONE which remain to do step till excelsior and is high.....
...He is not recognize to surender...
Other finally have surendered to take a ride tower. Except one small frog tail which so make every effort and become one's success him to TOP.
All other small frog like to know how this frog can doing it?????
A participant enquire frog how to be that a success have strength to reach target ??????
In the reality .... Frog Winner is frog which DEAF !!!!!

Advice from this story is :
Don'T once multiply to hear other reputedly which have negative
tendency and or pessimist… because they will take the major our dream and keeping away it from us .

Drug All Stomachache

Drug All Stomachache

I will share a little, my friend hit disease which enough rareness, name of its disease of Colitis Ulcerative. This is stomach disease which is hard enough, where my friend often flatulent stomach erasa and pengen throw away wind. But time will throw away its dirt wind of exit also( Defecate also).
Have so, there its blood again, its blood many again. because often is CHAPTER blood, My HB become very low once. My friend even also have time to faint several times
. My friend this disease diagnosa in Dutch country (endoscopy passing), which according to him doctor over there excitement. They [its drug soybean cake caw, my friend in giving drug most super and riskiest at the same time in world that is or rednison or Osbason. This is true medicinize most effective in world. All doctor spell out members this antihistamine. All disease recover if taking medicine this. But medicinize this only working during several hours, afterwards ill you again. After my friend go home to Indonesia, he is ill again. All doctor in Indonesia do not know its drug. ( All doctor in world might not know its drug). then my friend meet ordinary special someone of life in village. He inform its drug, and easy to again. This diagnosa whereas. All stomach disease because of decreasing intestine resist it and stomach. So that acid which in production by our body hit home and intestine our stomach, as a result our stomach of us or pain feel to swell. At some case, even happened super haemorrahage at stomach and intestine. So that many people spell out members its intestine of hurt or its perforated intestine. At intestine have ability of very super recovery ( This is power Allah).

Its just drug easy to
1. Take white water glass of habit ( do not be chilled and do not also heat)
2. Including 3 Flour SAGO tablespoon

3. (Optional / may do not, may also yes) including Java Sugar (Accroding to Appetite).
4. ( Optional / may do not, may also yes) Including salt according to appetite
5. Then to Drink.

Don't in mingling first, because me doubt other mixture can cause iritasi at intestine and stomach. After drinking this recipe in guarantying all existing stomach trouble is this world lose. Stomach felt easy and can throw away wind quietly, without sneaking will go out its dirt also. This matter is caused by SAGO which we drink can protect our stomach and intestine stomach acid coming From our own body.

Disease which could probably be healed :

1. Flatulent Stomach
2. Diarrhoea
3. Defecate with blood
4. Puking
5. All stomach trouble.

As far as I know many people dying because disease which its symptom loo like with this disease. I also know most confuse people because have to many doctor but do not recover


Monday, May 21, 2007

Food And Benefit in Health

Food And Benefit in Health

People can be ill because food, but also can recover or is healthy [of] food blessing.
That Healer food of course for the disease of. Following some worthwhile food and beverage type to the condition of certain health:

1. Marrow mush and milk.
Marrow mush, recognized also by the name of rice mush, can neutralize stomach acid, so that can assuage stomach pain in bone. If do not suffer laktosa intoleransi,
we can cook rich food of this carbohydrate with milk.
Singlely since milk llama known as by stomach pain in bone palliative. According To Fig H. Dermarderosian Phd., farmakognosi professor in Philadelphia College Pharmacy
Science and of, milk enough assist so long as do not be drinked direct in number many

2. Yogurt
Elementary Materials beverage of milk and contain this Lactobacillus acidophilus
good for awakening bacterium " good " in stomach. Bacterium " good " the usually follow death when us experience medication with antibiotika. Though, they are good
for in digestive channel, for example breaking food pickings so that is easy to released
Scientifically it is true not yet been found by mechanism work yogurt
in digestive channel. But, pursuant to experience of doctor in America,
yogurt can improve the condition of patient

3. Ginger
"Some research prove effective to ginger enough fight against queasyly" say
Varo E. Tyler Phd., farmakognosi professor in Purdue University. Hence, to overcome to
get drunk journey we can munching it. Darling, likely very hot and less practical.
Pregnant woman nor suggested consuming of it. Instead we can munch ginger peppermint

4. Coffe
If experiencing of migrain, we can curing it drinked a cup of coffee. According to
dr. Seymour Diamond, Director Diamond Headache Clinic, in Chicago, this disease
is usually caused by venous enlargement. Whereas, caffeine in coffee will
wrinkle vein. Efficacious so that, suggested to drink coffee accompanied by] light analgesic drug or headache drug. If not there is coffee, beverage have caffeine to or tea jell can be made by its substitution

5. Orangeade and Banana
Mixture orangeade beverage and efficacious banana in the reality
as diarrhoea drug. Orangeade can replace water, vitamin, mineral, and missing calorie
because diarrhoea. Whereas, banana replace potasium " extorted " when diarrhoea.
Banana also contain pectin, of a kind fibre which can permeate water
in digestive channel. Efficacious banana also to overcome keroncongan stomach in
nighttime, making difficult us of sleep. This fully filled fruit, is easy to digested, but do not fatten.

6. Water
According to dr. George L. Blackburn Phd., gizi laboratory head / metabolism in New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, water is one of the stres drug most efficacious.
If nervous about when will appear on the scene, glassfully of water can overcoming it. Water also prevent to dehydration, overcoming dry mouth of cause worry,
sweaty palm, or palpitate.

7. Milk
Drink milk represent the way of most precise to overcome hot because cabe. Full cream milk more is effective compared to milk without fat, because fat in absorbent cream full milk of capsaicin, compound in cabe causing is hot. On the contrary drink water is not
the way of eliminating is hot, because capsaicin will disseminate by water in mouth.

8. Hot Food
To overcome hot weather, we can consume hot food. According to
Dr. Dermarderosian, hot food make melar vein. Body even also sweat.
Sweat this represent body mechanism to degrading body temperature. ( dr. Audrey Luize


Friday, May 18, 2007

There Is Tips And Interesting Info Concerning Danger Blast Ac & Fan.

There Is Tips And Interesting Info Concerning Danger Blast Ac & Fan.
Useful Hopefully.....

Temperature AC which is too chilled and its air blast hitting home face, head, and neck during to long( for example sleep moment night ), making some nerve trouble the direct Air blast can from AC and fan. According To Dr. Wendra Ali.Sp.S, specialist nerve in International RS of Bintaro, various that trouble for example:
Bell's Palsy ( paralysis of side face), this disease cause the happening of pembengkakan of face nerve ( nerve to 7 ) its one it patient will feel one of the its eye of pain when cleaning face, because that eye cannot close eye. He are difficult to also gargle, its mouth heel, and stamping of tongue decrease. Last invention show the existence of possibility of virus infection which brought by wind or air.
This disease is often met and usually attack adult and adolescent. When happened at old fellow have to be thought of by possibility of palsy stroke. Bell's palsy symptom can be healed by when is quickly handled. Its therapy can with antiinfla-masi drug / antiedema, nerve vitamin and antivirus. Patient also have to practice gymnastic face ( facial exercise l). Patient usually will be convalesce during 1- 6 week. Tortikolis (wrong of pillow), this disease usually happened riser moment. Patient feel its stiff neck, cannot behold side one, also pain in bone like electrized by when forced to make a move. When talking or cough will felt pain. This disease can dose with injection at pain in bone dot in neck and also gift medicinize anti-chafe. When needed can be done by warm-up therapy. Frozen Shoulder ( congelation shoulder), this disease usually arise in moment wake up morning sleep. Patient do not ready to brush teeth and comb hair because its shoulder bangle felt pain when arm lifted or moved. If do not cure of course will limit movement of shoulder, and when its chronical disease require to be conducted action by operation. Its medication consist of gift medicinize anti-chafe, anti pain in bone and injection at shoulder bangle. Also need warm-up therapy added by shoulder practice. Tunnel syndrom Carpal Is disease with ant symptom and pain in bone at hand especially 3 is first ( thumb, forefinger, and middle finger). Symptom will be more felt at night in AC room. That symptom is caused by the existence of nerve contusion passing tunnel;cutting in wrist. This disease can be healed by when is quickly handled. Dr. Wendra enhancing, cool by temperature of Dangerous AC to rheumatism patient. At migraine patient even also AC can trigger relapsing.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This Fact...!!! Open Eye All of You...!!!

Result of Kevin Chartermasterpiece
(He suicide effect of depresi 3 months after taking photo hereunder)

It's Fact Guy's....!!!
Do you see this??? what is in heart all of you?

Wrong who is this ?

May they have dream to tomorrow?

May they to simply to imagining about future?

Do all of you have thinked, if all of us in world cast aside 1 rice item,
how much ton milliard which we can to our relative ????

Do we have to let that bird celebrate???

I know ... this only photo!! Do us only require to spell out members " their pity..."
or simply weeping or we also spell out members "Profit is not us".
Only all of you which can answer!!!

Wahai Allah, sungguh aku mohon rasa cinta kepada-Mu dan cinta kepada orang yang mencintai-Mu. Aku pun memohon amal yang kiranya bisa menyampaikan diriku kepada rasa cinta kepada-Mu. Wahai Allah, jadikanlah rasa cinta kepada-Mu lebih kucintai daripada diriku sendiri, keluargaku, maupun air yang sejuk. (HR-Turmudzi)