Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Plane Vs Hp

Indonesia people it's true high class, Its Costly Handphone, Transportation wear plane but !! There is which don't know why prohibited to activate hp in plane, there is which soybean cake but remain to don't care. Indonesia people have to always learn by hard.
Make which not yet known, why may not fire Handphone in plane, following its clarification:
Simply for just information, possible all of you all have heard news concerning accident new plane " take-off " from Lanud Polonia-medan. Till now the occurence cause not yet been known categorically.
Possible simply just sharing make all of us which owning and using hp or any of its term. In the reality according to source of information got from ASRS ( Aviation Safety Reporting System) that hp have big kontributor to safety of air transport. Have many case accident of plane that happened because hp. Possible information hereunder can be useful for the all of us of, especially which often use plane.

its Case
of example :
Plane Crossair with LX498 flight number just " take-off" from Zurich airport, Swiss. Just later plane swoop to fall. Its ten Passenger defeated. Investigator find evidence is existence of ponsel sinyal trouble to system drive plane.

A Slovenia plane Irrigate in air transport go to Sarajevo do crash landing because alarm system in aviator cockpit continue sound. In the reality, a ponsel in baggage suitcase forget to be off and cause trouble to navigasi system.

Boeing 747 Qantas sudden heel to one side and go up again as high as 700 feet exactly when is
" approach final" for the " landing of" in Heathrow airport, London. Its Cause is because three passenger not yet killed computer, Player CD, and game electronic each ( The Australian, 23-9-1998 ).

Following representing ganguan form that happened in plane:
Direction fly HSI melenceng, Indicator ( Horizontal Situation Indicator) annoyed, Trouble
VOR cause ( VHF Omnidirectional Receiver) inaudible, System navigasi trouble, Frequency communications trouble, Indicator fuel trouble, automatic System drive trouble.
All trouble above resulted from by ponsel. While other trouble like Trouble instruct computer compass resulted from by CD & Trouble CDI indicator game ( Course Deviation Indicator) resulted from by gameboy. All information above is to stem from ASRS.

seen trouble list above we can see that not only when plane is flying, but when plane in motion base even also happened big enough trouble effect of usage ponsel.

In order to be known, ponsel do not only sending and accepting radiowave but also make electric power radiasi to reach BTS ( Base Transceiver Station). A ponsel can reach BTS which aparting 35 kilometre. Its meaning, at height 30.000 foot/feet, a ponsel can reach hundreds of BTS residing in under nya. ( In just Jakarta estimated by there is around 600 BTS all earn is at the same time reached by a active ponsel is plane which in motion above Jakarta).

Everybody soybean cake we own ponsel. our Everybody soybean cake is rushing about. Our Everybody soybean cake of key man. But, for the shake of safety with, and for the shake of manner esteem humanity, don't activate ponsel during in plane.
Hopefully one day people we can a few/little more is bright.

How now all of you all, remain to wish to enjoy journey comfortably or
fear because remain to activate ponsel ?



I have psikotest about feeling of heart.
Today I will shar all of you but all of you have to follow its rule of the game.
Prepare paper & pen
Attention , when chosening name, you have to chosening one who recognize.
write what is in your head.
Remember to read question have to massage and its answer direct vision don't before
finishing all its question.
LET's BegiN... : Good Luck Guy's...
  1. First write number 1 until 11 in your paper vertically ( to the downwards )
  2. Writing most number of you like ( between 1-11 ) side No.1 and 2.
  3. Write 2 name of people ( oposite gender ) what you recognize, for first choice put down in No.3 and No.7 for second choice.
  4. Write 3 name one who you recognize in No.4, 5 and 6. Here you may write the name of people in family, friend or whoever, O.K!! Only, people which you have to recognize!!
  5. In no.8, 9, 10 and 11 you write the name of different song title.
  6. Last, write you have application.
hereunder there is answer from psikotest, I hope compatiblely of its answer!!!

  1. You have to inform to one who you write in No. 7 about this psikotest .
  2. One who you write in No.3 is one who you love.
  3. One who you write in No.7 is one who you like, but cracking side hand.
  4. One who you write in No.4 is one who you feel most the necessary for you.
  5. One who you write in No.5 is one who most understanding about you.
  6. One who you write in No.6 is one who bring luck at you.
  7. Song which you write in no.8 is song addressed for the people of No.3.
  8. Song which you write in no.9 is song addressed for the people of No.7.
  9. Song which you write in no.10 is song defining what is in your heart.
  10. Last, song which you write in No.11 is song defining your life.
So...How??? Do as according to what feeling??
Invite friend all of you for the surving & to trying this test in my blog

Will be other?? ClickHere

Friday, May 25, 2007

Alexa Redirect Train by Carl Ocab

Would You Want to Join This Train? I believe this train improved our AlexaTrain.

~Start Copying Here~
Alexa Redirect Train by Carl Ocab


1. Put anything you like above this list – Chit Chat, talkies, introduce what this is. Something like that ;-)

2. Start copying on the “~Start Copying Here~” and copy all the things listed without removing the links (Of course, the train would be no use without those links)

3. Move all the sites labeled “Newbies” to the list labeled “Oldies”

4. Add 5 sites that you want to include in the train and make their link like this: http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect?www.example.com then invite them to join the train.

5. Visit all the listed sites! (That’s not much work! Remember, if you plant good seeds they will also grow good) and look at your high Alexa ranking next week!



~End Copying Here~




Dehydration to represent term used to designate situation lacking of body dilution. That situation is resulted from by the loss of abundant body dilution.Dehydration to be referred as also with anhidrasi, deaquasi, or hipohidrasi. Lacking of body dilution earn happened at muntaber patient, high fever, and others. Expenditure of that Dilution is usually accompanied with loss of mineral and salt at body. How many that body dilution decrease till can be referred as to dehydration? Body human being weight consist of about 60% dilution. Every day, around 1,7L dilution [released to through urine and around 100 mililiter released to pass intestine. Expenditure of other Dilution counted one litre happened to through respiration and sweat. Losing of that dilution will be replaced by got dilution from food and beverage consumption of three of litre one day. At very hot weather, one would more requiring to drink as compensation to dilution which also the more exit from body pass evaporation. If secretory dilution more than which enter, hence dehydrationing even also happened. Symptom dehydration immeasurablely. At dehydrationing marked light felt starve for very so that stimulate its patient to continue to drink. If that insatiable amount of water required, dehydration which is suffered its will progressively weight. If have happened to dehydration heavy, eye become concave. Besides, husk become do not be elastic so that if pinched, Its secondhand do not quickly return to form initialy. This symptom earn is easily seen by at stomach husk. In a condition dehydration insurmountable weight and do not repair, awareness of patient will be downhill, happened of shock able to cause death. In consequence, in case dehydration to need good handling. More than anything else at baby patient case and children, need attention extra. Its problem, they very rentan to dehydrationing. Dehydration light can overcome by ownself with drinking as much as possible until patient do not feel thirsty again. Better, given dilution in the form of electrolyte salt condensation like oralit. If oralit nothing, can change with sugar condensation - made salt by ownself. Way of its making is by dissolving one sugar teaspoon and one salt teaspoon into 200 matured water cc. If dehydrationing do not goodness, patient require to give by dilution through infus.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

" System Error"

"Request Timed Out"

" Aku pernah pacaran Long Distance, biasalah...pakai router!!"
Karena Tuan ISP di Negara Gue cuma ada fasilitas Akang DinAccess, yah mau ga mau kita pakai jasa itu(punya pemerintah sih, so agak murah kallee...). Tau ga, ternyata Akang DinAccess tuh alergi ama gejala alam...kalo hujan dikit, qt sering miss comunication dgn cewek gue...kalo dah gini, qt pasti lapor deh ke Tuan ISP. Seperti biasa qt suruh reset modem dua sisi, satu di gw satunya modem di cewek gw. Kalo Network qt ga Up...Tuan ISP pasti kasih qt tiket & suruh tunggu(kadang cepet..kadang bolot..!!!). Biasanya, Tuan ISP kabari qt lagi, katanya di server mereka fine2 aja...(Nah lo...yg salah sapa?@#?@#?*@). Demi cinta qt, gw ga terima...!!! Tapi qt cukup tenang coz Tuan ISP qt baek juga koq, mereka berusaha lagi cari trouble nya di mana. Memang kalo jodoh ga kemana-mana(ke KUA kallleee...hehehe), Network qt Up guy's...ternyata dan ternyata...Network qt Up setelah Tuan ISP reset punya modem dia dengan pihak ke tiga....Heheheh, gw ma ce gw langsung connect...dengan tanda " repply from xxx.xxx.x.x bytes=x time

"Bad SeCtoR"

"Cinta gw ma elo kec 72oorpm, besar Hard disk gw pun lumayan gede 120Gb. Karena gw jauh & sayang elo, harddisk gue partisi jadi 4 Drive & muanya pakai NTFS coz kl pakai itu qt lebih mudah & secure U/ saling share...Gw jg pakai Anti Virus & Firewall...U/ lebih secure, tiap 1 minggu s'X gw Up Date biar, spam, Virus, worm, dkk ga bisa jebol. Tapi se-Perfect apapun pasti ada port-port yang terbuka manis U/ jalan rusak System cinta qt!!! Pertama Kang Mas Viruz masuk...sialnya lagi Anti Virus qt lagi mudik!!! Terpaksa gue Format Abis Hard disk gw...U/ sementara aman. Beberapa hari kemudian, ada counter attack dr keluarga Spam...Kali ini agak tenang coz Mb Yu Anti Viruz qt dah balik lagi dr kampungnya,:). 1 bulan, 2 bulan hard disk qt aman U/ save data kemesraan qt. Serangan datang lagiiii...ini bukan dr keluarga Viruz, worm atau pun spam....tapi dari Kakek Buyut LISTRIK!!! Hard disk gw mulai error, blue screen....lagi enak2nya save ...tiba2 HaNg..!!! gw capek, akhirnya scandisk ...SIAL...ada BAD SECTOR guy's......Gue pakai Partition Magic...NIHIL!!! pakai GHOST tambah jadi Uka-uka...Pusing!!!! Akhirnya gw pakai jasa Mbah Dukun Disk Manager...qt zerrofill trus langsung minta bantuan Pak Dhe Low Format...Mantab, Bad sector di hard disk gue hilang. Tapi nasib berkata laen, ga lama kemudian tuh Bad Sector nongol lagi...biasa Kakek Buyut Listrik qt lagi BT. Gw pakai jasa Mbah Dukun Disk Manager lagi...kali ini sayang teramat sayang hard disk gue hancur...hancur...Terpaksa gue pakai Obat alternatif peninggalan Kakek nya kakek nya lagi kakek buyut gw...U/ sementara(2 hari) hard disk gw masukin ke Lemari es dengan di kafani kantong plastik. WoooooooWWW....Congratulation, hard disk gw normal lagi...
Guy's,mngkin ce gue bukan jodoh kallee...dia serang Hard disk gue lagi...&..&...&...
Hard disk gw sekarang bener2 " Bad Sector Fisik"...Sial!!!"

" Yah begitulah cinta...Penderitaannya tiada Akhirrrr...."

(Jomblo lagi...jomblo lagi...cari yg Trial ah biar aman, hehehehe)


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's My Day...so I have something about small frog....

Story about small frog

At one particular day, there is a group of small frog...which is racing !!!
Its targe
t is to reach top a very high tower. Frogs other become audience and gather with encircling tower to witness race and breathe life into to all participant.
Race is Even Also Started....!!!
Squarely : Not one even also audience believe that frogs small will be able to succeed to reach spire.
Is heard by there is saying : " Oh, the way too hard!!!" ..they CAN NOT to top !!! "
" No chance to succeed... Tower of it too high.....!!!! "
Small frog start fallout . One by one...
... Except them which keep spirits up to take a ride tower ..... excelsior ... and excelsior
Audience continue to have cheer..... " Too hard!!! Nothing a even also to succeed....
More amount of tired small frog and surender
..... but there is ONE which remain to do step till excelsior and is high.....
...He is not recognize to surender...
Other finally have surendered to take a ride tower. Except one small frog tail which so make every effort and become one's success him to TOP.
All other small frog like to know how this frog can doing it?????
A participant enquire frog how to be that a success have strength to reach target ??????
In the reality .... Frog Winner is frog which DEAF !!!!!

Advice from this story is :
Don'T once multiply to hear other reputedly which have negative
tendency and or pessimist… because they will take the major our dream and keeping away it from us .

Drug All Stomachache

Drug All Stomachache

I will share a little, my friend hit disease which enough rareness, name of its disease of Colitis Ulcerative. This is stomach disease which is hard enough, where my friend often flatulent stomach erasa and pengen throw away wind. But time will throw away its dirt wind of exit also( Defecate also).
Have so, there its blood again, its blood many again. because often is CHAPTER blood, My HB become very low once. My friend even also have time to faint several times
. My friend this disease diagnosa in Dutch country (endoscopy passing), which according to him doctor over there excitement. They [its drug soybean cake caw, my friend in giving drug most super and riskiest at the same time in world that is or rednison or Osbason. This is true medicinize most effective in world. All doctor spell out members this antihistamine. All disease recover if taking medicine this. But medicinize this only working during several hours, afterwards ill you again. After my friend go home to Indonesia, he is ill again. All doctor in Indonesia do not know its drug. ( All doctor in world might not know its drug). then my friend meet ordinary special someone of life in village. He inform its drug, and easy to again. This diagnosa whereas. All stomach disease because of decreasing intestine resist it and stomach. So that acid which in production by our body hit home and intestine our stomach, as a result our stomach of us or pain feel to swell. At some case, even happened super haemorrahage at stomach and intestine. So that many people spell out members its intestine of hurt or its perforated intestine. At intestine have ability of very super recovery ( This is power Allah).

Its just drug easy to
1. Take white water glass of habit ( do not be chilled and do not also heat)
2. Including 3 Flour SAGO tablespoon

3. (Optional / may do not, may also yes) including Java Sugar (Accroding to Appetite).
4. ( Optional / may do not, may also yes) Including salt according to appetite
5. Then to Drink.

Don't in mingling first, because me doubt other mixture can cause iritasi at intestine and stomach. After drinking this recipe in guarantying all existing stomach trouble is this world lose. Stomach felt easy and can throw away wind quietly, without sneaking will go out its dirt also. This matter is caused by SAGO which we drink can protect our stomach and intestine stomach acid coming From our own body.

Disease which could probably be healed :

1. Flatulent Stomach
2. Diarrhoea
3. Defecate with blood
4. Puking
5. All stomach trouble.

As far as I know many people dying because disease which its symptom loo like with this disease. I also know most confuse people because have to many doctor but do not recover


Monday, May 21, 2007

Food And Benefit in Health

Food And Benefit in Health

People can be ill because food, but also can recover or is healthy [of] food blessing.
That Healer food of course for the disease of. Following some worthwhile food and beverage type to the condition of certain health:

1. Marrow mush and milk.
Marrow mush, recognized also by the name of rice mush, can neutralize stomach acid, so that can assuage stomach pain in bone. If do not suffer laktosa intoleransi,
we can cook rich food of this carbohydrate with milk.
Singlely since milk llama known as by stomach pain in bone palliative. According To Fig H. Dermarderosian Phd., farmakognosi professor in Philadelphia College Pharmacy
Science and of, milk enough assist so long as do not be drinked direct in number many

2. Yogurt
Elementary Materials beverage of milk and contain this Lactobacillus acidophilus
good for awakening bacterium " good " in stomach. Bacterium " good " the usually follow death when us experience medication with antibiotika. Though, they are good
for in digestive channel, for example breaking food pickings so that is easy to released
Scientifically it is true not yet been found by mechanism work yogurt
in digestive channel. But, pursuant to experience of doctor in America,
yogurt can improve the condition of patient

3. Ginger
"Some research prove effective to ginger enough fight against queasyly" say
Varo E. Tyler Phd., farmakognosi professor in Purdue University. Hence, to overcome to
get drunk journey we can munching it. Darling, likely very hot and less practical.
Pregnant woman nor suggested consuming of it. Instead we can munch ginger peppermint

4. Coffe
If experiencing of migrain, we can curing it drinked a cup of coffee. According to
dr. Seymour Diamond, Director Diamond Headache Clinic, in Chicago, this disease
is usually caused by venous enlargement. Whereas, caffeine in coffee will
wrinkle vein. Efficacious so that, suggested to drink coffee accompanied by] light analgesic drug or headache drug. If not there is coffee, beverage have caffeine to or tea jell can be made by its substitution

5. Orangeade and Banana
Mixture orangeade beverage and efficacious banana in the reality
as diarrhoea drug. Orangeade can replace water, vitamin, mineral, and missing calorie
because diarrhoea. Whereas, banana replace potasium " extorted " when diarrhoea.
Banana also contain pectin, of a kind fibre which can permeate water
in digestive channel. Efficacious banana also to overcome keroncongan stomach in
nighttime, making difficult us of sleep. This fully filled fruit, is easy to digested, but do not fatten.

6. Water
According to dr. George L. Blackburn Phd., gizi laboratory head / metabolism in New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, water is one of the stres drug most efficacious.
If nervous about when will appear on the scene, glassfully of water can overcoming it. Water also prevent to dehydration, overcoming dry mouth of cause worry,
sweaty palm, or palpitate.

7. Milk
Drink milk represent the way of most precise to overcome hot because cabe. Full cream milk more is effective compared to milk without fat, because fat in absorbent cream full milk of capsaicin, compound in cabe causing is hot. On the contrary drink water is not
the way of eliminating is hot, because capsaicin will disseminate by water in mouth.

8. Hot Food
To overcome hot weather, we can consume hot food. According to
Dr. Dermarderosian, hot food make melar vein. Body even also sweat.
Sweat this represent body mechanism to degrading body temperature. ( dr. Audrey Luize


Friday, May 18, 2007

There Is Tips And Interesting Info Concerning Danger Blast Ac & Fan.

There Is Tips And Interesting Info Concerning Danger Blast Ac & Fan.
Useful Hopefully.....

Temperature AC which is too chilled and its air blast hitting home face, head, and neck during to long( for example sleep moment night ), making some nerve trouble the direct Air blast can from AC and fan. According To Dr. Wendra Ali.Sp.S, specialist nerve in International RS of Bintaro, various that trouble for example:
Bell's Palsy ( paralysis of side face), this disease cause the happening of pembengkakan of face nerve ( nerve to 7 ) its one it patient will feel one of the its eye of pain when cleaning face, because that eye cannot close eye. He are difficult to also gargle, its mouth heel, and stamping of tongue decrease. Last invention show the existence of possibility of virus infection which brought by wind or air.
This disease is often met and usually attack adult and adolescent. When happened at old fellow have to be thought of by possibility of palsy stroke. Bell's palsy symptom can be healed by when is quickly handled. Its therapy can with antiinfla-masi drug / antiedema, nerve vitamin and antivirus. Patient also have to practice gymnastic face ( facial exercise l). Patient usually will be convalesce during 1- 6 week. Tortikolis (wrong of pillow), this disease usually happened riser moment. Patient feel its stiff neck, cannot behold side one, also pain in bone like electrized by when forced to make a move. When talking or cough will felt pain. This disease can dose with injection at pain in bone dot in neck and also gift medicinize anti-chafe. When needed can be done by warm-up therapy. Frozen Shoulder ( congelation shoulder), this disease usually arise in moment wake up morning sleep. Patient do not ready to brush teeth and comb hair because its shoulder bangle felt pain when arm lifted or moved. If do not cure of course will limit movement of shoulder, and when its chronical disease require to be conducted action by operation. Its medication consist of gift medicinize anti-chafe, anti pain in bone and injection at shoulder bangle. Also need warm-up therapy added by shoulder practice. Tunnel syndrom Carpal Is disease with ant symptom and pain in bone at hand especially 3 is first ( thumb, forefinger, and middle finger). Symptom will be more felt at night in AC room. That symptom is caused by the existence of nerve contusion passing tunnel;cutting in wrist. This disease can be healed by when is quickly handled. Dr. Wendra enhancing, cool by temperature of Dangerous AC to rheumatism patient. At migraine patient even also AC can trigger relapsing.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This Fact...!!! Open Eye All of You...!!!

Result of Kevin Chartermasterpiece
(He suicide effect of depresi 3 months after taking photo hereunder)

It's Fact Guy's....!!!
Do you see this??? what is in heart all of you?

Wrong who is this ?

May they have dream to tomorrow?

May they to simply to imagining about future?

Do all of you have thinked, if all of us in world cast aside 1 rice item,
how much ton milliard which we can to our relative ????

Do we have to let that bird celebrate???

I know ... this only photo!! Do us only require to spell out members " their pity..."
or simply weeping or we also spell out members "Profit is not us".
Only all of you which can answer!!!

Wahai Allah, sungguh aku mohon rasa cinta kepada-Mu dan cinta kepada orang yang mencintai-Mu. Aku pun memohon amal yang kiranya bisa menyampaikan diriku kepada rasa cinta kepada-Mu. Wahai Allah, jadikanlah rasa cinta kepada-Mu lebih kucintai daripada diriku sendiri, keluargaku, maupun air yang sejuk. (HR-Turmudzi)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Fruits Benefit

Fruits Benefit

In Iraq and Iran, made by ruby juice is nut beforehand before drinked assisting to clean tooth and mouth, and also prevent infection so that assisting to deodorize mouth which is not delicate. Eating with pomegranate slow and release its seed can make clear voice raucous and avoid dryness of red lane. Other benefit, tanin zat content in pomegranate can anaesthetize roundworm, tape worm and kremi worm in intestine so that they earn to be released to through
big water. Way of this have commonly use by Egypt resident and Vietnam.

Fresh Tomato juice very is assisting forming of glycogen in liver. According to research found that tomato juice balance liver function swiftly and thereby mean to take care of body stamina and make healthy body. Rich Mineral salt in tomato passion eat and stimulate current so that enable food digested better. Consume regular tomato assist to cure anorexia disease ( losing appetite).

Too much consuming flesh, candy, light beverage and coffee often make blood too much its sour content and result red fleck in husk. Juice watermelon will moult the the acid and repair blood content. To diabetes patient, consuming regularly watermelon juice can take care of the increasing of blood sugar. Obstetrical excess of urik acid in body causing arthritis, and rheumatism poisoned of urea can be eliminated by drinking watermelon juice regularly twice one day.

This fruit containing many sukrosa, glucose, protein, fat, sour of] tartaric, A vitamin and B. As one of the source of energi, this very sweet fruit good for improving stamina finished pain. Kelengkeng very good to fulfilling requirement of energi to weak pregnant woman or after bearing. Eating this fruit sufficiently regularly can add passion eat, preventing and anaemia whitening of hair early. Besides will quicken external hurt recovering. Caution, just consumption sufficiently, if excess, will make body become heat effect of excess of energi.

"Fruit above easy to finding and its price very is reached"

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Love & Nuptials

One day, Plato ask to its teacher, " What that love? How I can finding it?"

Its teacher answer, "There is wide of grist farm in front of there. Walk you and without may retreat again, then take just one is of stick. If you find stick which you assume most is amazing, its meaning of you have found love"

Plato even also walk, and do not how long, he return empty-handedly, without bringing any.

Its teacher enquire, " Why you do not bring one even also stick?"

Plato answer, " I shall only bring just one is, and moment walk may not retreat again ( returning). In fact I have found most amazing, but I ignore do there is more amazing again in front of there, become I do not take the the stick. Moment I walk farther, newly I realize that stick which I find do not as good as mentioned stick, become I do not take one bar in the end "

Its teacher later;then answer " Become that's love"

In other day, Plato enquire again at its teacher, " What that marriage? How I can finding it?"

Its teacher even also answer " There is fertile forest in front of there. Walk without may retreat again shall only cut away one just tree. And cut away if you find highest tree, because its meaning of you have found what that marriage"

Plato even also answer, " Because pursuant to my experience previously, after exploring almost semi forest, in the reality I return empty-handedly. Become this opportunity, I see this tree, and I feel ugly is not very, become I set mind on cutting away it and bringing it to this place. I do not want to eliminate opportunity to getting it“

Its teacher even also later;then answer, " And yes that's marriage". That love is progressively searched, hence progressively do not be found. Love is existence of in subconsiousness, when can detain more expectation and desire. When excessive desire and expectancy will love, hence which is got by dismay... no something even also which is got, and cannot be backed into again. Time and a period of cannot be rolled back. Accept love are there him. Marriage is continuation from Love. [Is] process get opportunity, when you look for best among existing choice, hence will lessen opportunity to getting it, When perfection wish you get, hence your time loss in getting that marriage, because in fact that perfection of emptyness of existence.

"Love will not end in beautiful marriage, if you always see superordinate
and existing regret make only one who is castaway progressively pain"

TIPS : Put-Off The Light When Sleep Night

Put-Off the light when dark night sleep in secrecy with body. Only in a state of really dark of body yield Melantonin, one of the hormone in impenetrability system capable to fight and prevent various disease of[is including bosom cancer and prostate cancer. On the contrary, sleep with aflame lamp between two lights - as small as any of its light cause melantonin hormone production desisted. Biolog Joan Roberts find this secret of attempt having taken steps at animal.
When animal given by nocturnal artificial light, its of downhill and system impenetrability of its body weaken. Seemingly, lamplight - like also TV - causing hormone become very tired. Therefore, besides economizing energi,dengan put-off the light when sleep represent the way of experiencing of to increase health of body.


Stroke? I munch Tomato Seed

Possible during the time ripe moment, You like to throw away tomato seed, because You less taking a fancy to it or You disgust, especially by slippery dilution which accompany tomato seed. But, if You know its, in period to come it is possible that in cookery recipe, You always accompany tomato seed. A conducted by research is Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Skotlandia find tomato seed good for to health. Is such as those which cited by magazine health of Prevention, Asim K Dutta-Roy, Phd, the researcher find, slippery dilution or rust colored jelly which there are around seed tomato, pregnant of efficacious mixture materials or compound to fight against heart sickness and stroke. Research also get that if You drink tomato juice without throwing away its seed, hence around Your 72% have lessened risk the happening of cloting of blood able to cause heart attack. Wow, small seed which is that mucus of excitement really its?

Source : Suara Merdeka, 05/07/2003

Friday, May 11, 2007

Optical mouse

Optical mouse freshment in the reality have dangerous side effects. Three first launching since year of mouse optical by microsoft, have been found by thousands of disparity case at hand network effect of transmitted by radiasi is mouse. Mouse Optical work by transmitting high frequency electromagnetic wave to surface under. Used frequency much higher from at handphone. Have been known widely that foot/feet and palm represent center tip of body nerve. Radiasi felt by palm can have an effect on fatal at health, because according to WHO radiasi report from equivalent mouse 5 times handphone radiasi. However mouse radiasi become dangerous because holded continuously by computer user. Radiasi influence from mouse more felt at product with quality lower, because good product have shield ( protector ) to protect wrist.

WHO, Greenpeace, and CNN have discontinued usage of mouse optical to entire/all activity in its office, whereas Microsoft and IBM release fund around 2milyar dollar for the cooperation of making of more peaceful device pointing. biggest Hardware industrys in Taiwan and cina try to keep close this matter. If paid attention, optical mouse-mouse circulating in marketing in this time produced by merk which is not famous, though it is only rest of big industrial product which have discontinued sale.

For that, try to hold mouse only in needed it just to moment. Exercise to use Hotkey ( Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V for the copy of paste ). Again use old fashion mouse ( ball )

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lirik "Indonesia Raya"

Indonesia Raya

Indonesia tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku

Di sanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia kebangsaanku
Bangsa dan tanah airku
Marilah kita berseru,
Indonesia bersatu. Hiduplah tanahku hiduplah negeriku
Bangsaku rakyatku semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya.

Indonesia Raya merdeka, merdeka
Tanahku negeriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya merdeka, merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!

Hay guy's...pernahkan dengerin & atensi lagu di radio? Mungkin sering bukan pernah lagi...Mulai dari love song, alternative, rock & roll, pop, dandut dll...Btw, pernah ga temen2 denger ada pendengar radio yang atensi minta lagu seperti di atas?????Maap...tapi ini kenyataan walaupun pahit...mkin ada sih yg atensi tapi nunggu Hari Raya Kucing(heheh..)!!!
Tapi nyantai aja guy's...ga usah malu. It's true
...qt pernah liat Bapak2 Wakil rakyat yg katanya orang2 pilihan, pintar, nasionalis & bnyak lagi deh..(Pintar korupsi termasuk ga yah ???!!
heheheh...mohon di maapkan kl anda2 tersinggung, :p) eh....pada waktu di razia temen2 mahasiswa yang sedang demo & dia di suruh nyanyi Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya...NOL BESAR....Gak Hafal Man...!!!
Whatever...Yang penting Merah Putih tetap berkibar, walaupun Bapak Wakil qt & mungkin banyak rakyat ga' hafal sound track "Indonesia Raya" !!! (Ini lah salah satu kebodohan Rakyat & Bangsa Indonesia)

"Just One...Indonesia Raya, Not More....MERDEKA !!!!"

"If thou have food in refrigerator, Clothes which closing your body, roof above your head and place for the sleep of, hence richer thou from 75% this earthling."

"If you have money in bank, in yours purse, and small change, hence thou reside in among 8% prosperity of world."

"If you wake up this morning with interest many health than painfulness ...
you more blessing than so much people in this world which cannot live on till today."

"If you have never experienced of fear in war, lonely in prison, miserable of persecution, or hunger .... Hence, Iuckier you from 700 million people in world."

"If, you earn to attend Mosque or religion meeting without there is fear of attack, arrest, persecution or death....Hence you more blessing than 3 billion people in world."

"If....yours parent above the ground and still stay in nuptials tying... Hence, you is the including one who very rare."

"If you earn to uphold head and smile, hence you is not like rank and file you are unique compared to all them residing in doubt."

"And remember when your The infinite please express that,
'In fact if you grateful, surely I will enhance more enjoying to you ".
( QS:IBRAHIM ( 14) : 7 )"

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Internet Explorer (IE)

Register at Internet Explorer ( IE), can be balmy progressively
play internet

Make time Speed As fluent as
Vanishing key to eliminate Schedule Task function arranging speed of browsing. Step into REGEDIT, going to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Explorer \ Remote Computer\Namespace
Later;Then look for and vanish key: { D6277990-4C6A-11Cf-8D87-00Aa0060F5Bf}

Download More
To arrange download, searching:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Internet Setting
Later then right click at Internet Setting and click [ New > [ DWORDVALUE] and enhance new DWORD Value, giving name: Maxconnectionsper1_0Server
Right Click in that new value, click last Modify give a value for the hexadecimal of or 10 for the decimal of. Make [both/ second] DWORD by the name of: Maxconnectionsperserver
Right Click in that new value, click last Modify give a value for the hexadecimal of or 10 for decimal

Stop Script Debugger
Script Debugger sometime emerge opened situs page;yard moment have mistake of code. To the non is active of Script Debugger, searching:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Play
Later then look for valuable string: Disablescriptdebugger
Right Click in that value, Modify click and change data value become Yes

Removing Error Reporting
To deactivate Error Reporting, explore registry to key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Play
Later, then right click [at] Playing and click [ New > [ DWORD Value] and enhance new DWORD Value, giving name: IEWATSONDISABLED
Right Click in that new value, click Modify and arrange its value to 1.
Making second DWORD by the name of: IEWATSONENABLED
Right Click in that new value, click Modify and arrange its value to 0

New Assisten Searcher
Assistant Searcher ( assistant search) standard from IE can change with other assistant for example Google searcher or Yahoo. To altering it, find key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Search
Look for so called string: Searchassistance
Change string value:
Right click, Modify click and change with: http://www.yahoo.com or http://www.google.com

IE One Full of Screen
When IE run, sometime do not full screen monitor alias stay in maximize position, look for key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internetexplorer \ Play
Later;Then look for key string by the name of: Fullscreen
Right Click in that value, Modify click and change data value become Yes

Non active of Function New Window In Internet Explorer
Make a new DWORD Value and give the name of Noopeninnewwnd.
Double Click of Noopeninnewwnd and include 1 at Value Data

Changing Background Toolbar Internet Explorer
Select;Choose menu Edit > New > String Value and give the name of Backbitmap. Double Click of Backbitmap and fill in with place path draw bitmap (. bmp) to become toolbar background reside at Value Data.
The example: C:\Windows\Wallpaper.Bmp

Changing Version Internet Explorer
To know Internet Explorer version had: Help > Aboutinternet Explorer at Internet Explorer browser.
Double Click of Version and include wanted by number at Value Data

Productid Internet Explorer cheque
See Productid at Productid key, at the value will be noted by how much/many used Productid Internet Explorer

Mode Full Screen at Internet Explorer
Double click of Fullscreen and include Yes text at Value Data

Changing Title Internet Explorer HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/INTERNET Explorer / play
Select;Choose menu Edit > New > String Value and give the name of Window Title.
Double Click of Window Title and include wanted by text at Value Data

Cleaning List URL at Internet Explorer HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/INTERNET Explorer / typedurls
Vanish url1 value, url2 and so on by button Del

Hiding Button Go at Internet Explorer
Select menu Edit > New > String Value and give the name of Showgobutton.
Double Click of Showgobutton and include number 0 at Value Data

Change Name Icon Internet Explorer
Double Click at value ( Default) beside right, including wanted by text at Value Data

Enhancing Domain . Gov at Seeking of Website
Select to Edit > New > String Value and give the name of with number representing continuation from number which have there is. Double click at the value and type % s.gov at Value Data

Using Smooth Scrolling in Internet Explorer
If there is no, making a new DWORD Value and give the name of Smoothscroll.
Double Click of Smoothscroll and include number 1 at Value Data

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tips Today

Altering Icon Drive with Autorun
Have seen Drive CDROM icon changing when input us a CD? so.. same thing can also we practice at Drive Harddisk. Open your Notepad and type :
[ autorun]
icon=icon name.ico
Save by the name of autorun.inf and place in gone to drive root ( exmp : C:\ or D )
Afterwards, placing icon file which we wish in place which is equal to autorun.inf file, last restart your computer.
Tips : to be file appearance in drive not into peaces, alter both of the file become hidden.

Damage at win.com file :
Your Booting windows moment present message :
Following corrupted or missing is file The: Win.Com
The Following corrupted or missing is file: Win.Com
Program Too Cannot Win.Com find memory in fit to big, Windows loading continue to unable
Program Too large
To overcoming it, You have to make new win.com file by win.cnf file extract from CD Windows. Its Step of the following :
File win.cnf extract from CD Windows to C:\Windows folder.
After extract later;then win.cnf change name become win.com. Its way : ren c:\windows\win.cnf, c:\windows\win.com

Shortcut to arrangement of system
Usually you have to click last desktop Properties right In fact there is a way of quicker that is by using shortcut. Its way :
1. Right Click [at] desktop, select;choose New - Shortcut
2. At command line, typing C:\Windows\Control.Exe Sysdm.Cpl, System,1
3. Click next and give the name of the shortcut
4. Last Finish click.

Right Click Disable at Dekstop & Windows Explorer
If You setting enable here under hence nothing that can right click at Desktop & Windows Explorer. Equally menu which emerge right click time nothing like.
Follow step following.
Click Start---->Run, typing last regedit depress Enter.
Value Name: Noviewcontextmenu
Type Data : REG_DWORD
Data: ( 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

Right Click Disable atprint aja Taskbar
If You setting enable hereunder hence will not emerge time menu right click at Start Menu, Tab Control, and Clock. Follow step following.
Click Start*Run, typing last regedit depress Enter.
Value Name: Notraycontextmenu
Type Data: REG_DWORD
Data: ( 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

Flattening of Text at Drop Down Menu
Drop Down menu = menu which emerge Your moment click File menu, Edit, Help, etc at various Windows application by default, alignment at down drop menu is flattening is left. If You like, You can changing it become to flatten right.
Follow step following.
Click Start---->Run, typing last regedit depress Enter.
Its Way :
Value Name: Menudropalignment
Type Data: REG_SZ
Data: ( 0 = flattening is left, 1 = flattening right)

Install Font
For the install of font usually we have to follow long step : Start > Settings > Control Panel > Font. Last from there You have to click File > Install New Fonts. Way of the it is of course very is annoying. In fact there is a way of easier, that is
1. Opening editor registry
3. Choose comand " Edit ---> New---> Key" and give name " Install Fonts" at key which is just mentioned put down
4. Double click at part of right window at entry "( Default
5. Assign Value " Value" to " Install Font" and confirm this change with clicking " O.K.
6. Mark again subkey " Install Font" and in it by using comand " Edit > New > Key
7. Make a new subkey which named " command
8. Double click at "( Default)", passing to " Comand Value" to " c:\windows\command\xcopy32.exe % 1 c:\windows\fonts"

Now if You click right at file *. ttf will emerge Install Fonts menu. If you chosen this menu, hence the font file of di-copy into your Windows folder.
1. Make shortcut making reference to font directory at Your Windows ( C:\Windows\Fonts
2. Putting down the the shortcut [at] Send To directory.

Now for the menginstall of font, right click [at] file *. ttf, select;choose Send To > Fonts.

Hiding Taskbar menu
If this You setting enable hence Taskbar menu found on Setting at Start Menu will lose.
Follow step following.
Click Start----->Run, typing last regedit depress Enter.
Value Name: Nosettaskbar
Type Data: REG_DWORD
Data: ( 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hiding)

Hiding Folder Options menu
If this You setting enable hence Folder Options menu found on Start Menu - Setting will lose.
Follow step following.
Click Start*Run, typing last regedit depress Enter.
Value Name: Nofolderoptions
Type Data : REG_DWORD
Data: ( 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hiding)

Hiding Menu Control Panel
If this You setting enable hence Taskbar menu found on Setting [at] Start Menu will lose.
Follow step following.
Click Start---->Run, typing last regedit depress Enter.
Value Name: Nocontrolpanel
Type Data : REG_DWORD
Data: ( 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled / hiding)

(source of ketok.com.)

Saturday, May 5, 2007



  1. Bicara kebenaran melukiskan rasa ikhlas hati qt.
  2. Cinta & sayang akan terasa indah bila diikuti ikhlas.
  3. Rasa memiliki & kehilangan menunjukkan berapa persen keikhlasan qt.
  4. Datang & pergi terasa harum bila tersenyum dengan ikhlas.
  5. Menerima, memberi, berharap & berdoa lebih berarti bila ikhlas bersama qt.
  6. Menangislah orang** yang nga' pernah berteman dengan ikhlas.
  7. Kalah lebih terhormat bila menerima dengan ikhlas.
  8. Salah satu keajaiban dunia di dalam hati adalah ikhlas.
  9. Harta karun orang beriman adalah kenikmatan rasa ikhlas.
  10. Berjalan lah dengan rasa ikhlas.
" Temukan & Gunakanlah Ilmu Ikhlas....!!!"


a. Sugar is cancer bait. By lessening sugar, connoting to lessen food supply of necessary for cancer cell. Sugar substitution like Nutrasweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc made with aspartam and that is dangerous. better Natural substitution can in the form of molasses or honey but in number which very a few/little. Desk salt have chemical addition to make its colour turn white. better alternative is with sea salt

b. Milk make body produce mucus, especially in inner organ. Cancer baited by mucus. By lessening milk and replace with soy milk bargain cancer cell of hunger

c. Cancer cell thrive in sour environment. Diet anti flesh is to have the character of acid, best is to eat chicken and fish than pig or beef. Flesh also contain livestock antibiotic which grow dangerous parasite and hormone, especially to cancer patient

d. Diet by 80% fresh fruit and vegetable, legume and bulk assist body in alkalin environment. its of can be obtained from matured food is including bean. Fresh vegetable provide life enzyme which is easy to be permeated in 15 minute to look after and improve growth of healthy cell. To obtain;get enzyme live to develop build healthy cell, try to drink fresh vegetable juice all vegetable of is including and eat raw vegetable 2 or 3 times one day. Damage enzyme at temperature 104 degree of Farenheit or 40 degree of Celcius

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate having high caffeine. Green tea is best alternative which have cancer penumpas cell. best drink clean water or water which have been filtered to avoid heavy metal and poison


Read, know later then consider this matter

1. Each and everyone have cancer cell in body. this Cancer cell do not seen in standard tes till they multiply to become billion billion. When doctor tell to cancer patient that nothing like cancer cell in their body after treatment, that mean that conducted tes unable to detect cancer cell because the cancer cell do not at amount of diprediksi which can
2. Cell cancer happened between 6 until 10 times in human life
3. When impenetrability of strong human being body, cancer cell will destroy and prevented from by and breeder forming of tumor
4. When cancer mengidap someone, the people indication have immeasurablely of nutrisi trouble. This matter can because of genetik factor, environmental, life style and food
5. To overcome immeasurablely of nutrisi trouble, altering diet and including suplemen will strengthen immured impenetrability
6. Kemoterapi entangle poisonous cancer cell growing swiftly as well as destroying healthy cell growing swiftly in bone marrow, inner organ and can cause damage of organ like liver, kidney, heart, lung, etc
7. Radiasi when breaking cancer cell, also burn and destroy healthy cell, organ and network
8. Treatment early with radiasi and kemoterapi will often lessen tumor size measure. However usage of endless radiasi and kemoterapi do not yield tumor ruination
9. When body have had a lot burnt poison effect of radiasi and kemoterapi, destructive immured system hence will weaken from is assorted of komplikasi and infection
10. And radiasi Kemoterapi can result cancer cell have mutation to and become difficult resistant and also broken. Surgery also can result cancer cell disseminate to other shares
11. A way of effective

Will be other??? ClickHere...!!!


Gallstone do not apprehended by many people, but in fact all needing soybean cake because gallstone can end in cancercously. " Cancer alone have never emerged as first disease" Dr Chiu-Nan word. Generally there is other disease which preceding him. In bile poke most of all from pregnant us of gallstone. Its difference only in size measure and just amount of Symptom is existence of gallstone usually is full of feeling in stomach used up eat. Likely less complete ingest food. Hard in a condition there is addition feel pain in bone at kidney. When you anticipate there is stone at your bile, try the way of suggested by Dr Chiu Nan for the escade of naturally. This medication also can wear by if there are any sigh of liver trouble, because gall bladder and liver each other is interconnected

Its Medication procedure shall be as follows

1. During five day successively drink four ( 4) fresh apple juice glass every day, or eat four or five fresh apple, depended of appetite you. Berkhasiat apple soften gallstone. During a period to this you may eat as usual

2. On six days don't dine. Clock 6 afternoon, swallow one teaspoon " Salt Epsom" ( sulphate magnesium, epsom salts??) with warm water glass. Clock 8 night do same thing. Sulphate used magnesium open gall bladder small channel. Clock 10 night mix semi olive cup ( or sesame oil) with semi fresh orange gist. Swirl sufficiently before drinked. Its oil lubricate stone to launch its exit of gallstone. Tomorrow You find greenness chromatic stone in big water waste of you. " This stone usually float," according to Dr Chiu-Nan. " Try to count him. There [is] which its amount 40, 50 until 100 stone. A lot of. Without symptom

Conversion Factors

1 in = 25.4 m
{Inch (in), Milimetre(mm)}
1 ft = 30.5 cm {foot(ft), Centimetre(cm)}
1 yd = 0.914 m {yard(yd), metre(m)}
1 fur = 201 m {furlong(fur), metre(m)}
1 mile = 1.61 km {mile, kilometre(km)}
1 n mile = 1852 m {
International Nautical Mile(n mile), metre(m)}

1 oz = 28.3 g, 1 g = 0.0353 oz {
ounce(oz), gram(g)}
1 lb = 454 g, 1 kg = 2.20 lb {pound(lb), gram(g) or kilogram(kg)}
1 stone = 6.35 kg, 1 kg = 0.157 stone {
stone, kilogram(kg)}
1 ton = 1.02 t, 1 t = 0.984 {
ton, tonne(t)}

1 lbf = 4.45 N, 1 N = 0.225 lbf {
pound force(lbf), newton(N)}
1 tonf = 9.96 kn, 1 kn = 0.100 tonf {
ton force(tonf), kilonewton(kn)}


1 Btu = 1.06 KJ, 1 Kj = 0.948 Btu {
British Thermal Unit(Btu), kilo joule(KJ)}
1 therm = 106 MJ, 1 MJ = 9.48 x 103 therm {
therm, mega joule(MJ)}
1 kwh = 3.60 MJ {
(for electrical energy), kilowatt hour(kWh)}

1 hp = 0.746 kw, 1 kw = 1.34 hp {
horsepower, kilowatt(kw)}

1 min = 60 s {minute(min),
1 h = 3600 s {hour(h), minute(min)}

1 c/s = 1 Hz, 1 Hz = 1 c / s {(
cycle per second(c / s), hertz(Hz) )}